naka tatsuya

Naka Tasuya vs Ogura Yasunori

High level technical skills of Karate with Naka Sensei

An attack that can never be blocked. Why? Tatsuya Naka #karate #karatedo

【Karate】How to hit 'Mae-geri' (Front kick) from any distance【Tatsuya Naka】

Shotokan karate meets Okinawan Karate【Tatsuya Naka】

Basic exercises to improve your 'Mawashi-geri'【Tatsuya Naka】

Naka Tatsuya vs Kagawa Masao

How to Fight with Kata, Heian-sandan 【Tatsuya Naka】

Sensei Tatsuya Naka, ejemplos Heian Nidan

Why? You can never escape his HAND KNIFE!

Use the kata! ”Heian Nidan” Application【Tatsuya Naka】

This is the original way of fighting in karate!

Sensei Naka Tatsuya learning Machida Karate!

EP1: Bassai Dai with the Budo Body Mechanics by Tatsuya Naka

【Karate】How to use Heian Nidan in a Fight. (Tatsuya Naka JKA)

Naka Tatsuya | The legendary karateka | tribute

Boxing world champion's body changed by bowing and breathing! (Ryota Murata, Tatsuya Naka)

KARATE LEGACY! Tatsuya Naka (JKA) meets Morio Higaonna (Goju-ryu)

Tatsuya Naka in 'Karate Girl'.

How to change the weight of your body at will【Tatsuya Naka】

The application of Kata 'Heian Nidan' Tatsuya Naka sensei. #karate #karatedo #kata

The magic of the hip joint!【KARATE】

Strong and weak standing [Karate-do, Tatsuya Naka]

The Best And Most Technical Of Karate Masters - NAKA TATSUYA #shotokan